Friday, February 8, 2008


Our design services are thorough and practical. We work with our clients to try to build what they want, but at the same time keep things within their budget. A young family may have different needs than an aging couple or single person. We keep these things in mind and provide designs that not only function well in the home, but create a beautiful atmosphere as well.

We don’t limit ourselves to working only with certain types of wood or certain styles of designs. We’ve built jobs out of rustic and clear Maple, Oak, Hickory, Alder, and Cherry. We’ve even done very custom projects made out of Barn wood and Purple Heart.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just a helpful tip, if you do get new cabinets in your kitchen, which I'd highly recommend, make sure you have have a window and blind cleaning company lined up to some clean up afterwards. We found Clearview who actually did a great job getting that sticky saw dust off the the blinds. You can find them here: